76. Book Reviews
Kindle book reviews on Fiverr are really big right now.
Be sure to offer a Verified review (a review where you actually purchase their book and then review it) and in your gig extras, allow buyers to cover the cost of their book if it’s not free.

77. Directory Listing Gigs
A lot of businesses have listings on sites like TripAdvisor, Google Places, and FourSquare with no reviews and often times to come to Fiverr looking for someone to leave a review.
This is an easiest copy and paste gig.
Learn what this corporate dream gig is all about
Corporate writing is writing for business purposes. It’s not journalism, so if that’s what you’re looking for you might as well stop reading now. “You are writing to convey the values and goals of a company,”
Public relations or media relations
This is anything written for the press.
A press release, for example, is corporate writing. So is the content written for a company’s informational web site, whether it’s used by journalists or the public.
78. Press Release Writing Gigs
We can Google “Press release template” and use that for this kind of gig. Once you have got a Template you can touch it up relavant to the Product/Service of the Brands. 

You may write Contracts, Agreements, Terms And Conditions And Privacy Policy in your fiverr gig, with good understanding and experience in the field you may also offer them following:
  • Drafting of Business Contract 
  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Lease Agreement 
  • Purchase Agreement 
  • Sale Agreement 
  • Power of Attorney 
  • Rent Agreement.
81. Write “Terms And Conditions”
Search for Terms and Conditions “generator” or “template” to quickly whip up these highly sought after pages for companies and web designers.
82. Write  “Privacy Policy”
Search for Privacy Policies “generator” or “template” to quickly whip up these highly sought after pages for companies and web designers.

83. Write Resume Or Cover Letter
Ask your buyer what kind of job they are applying for and ask for their work experience and education and insert that into a resume or cover letter template for the kind of job or industry they’re applying for.
1. Critique Resume
You don’t have to be a job expert or a recruiter, you can quickly critique a 1 or 2 page resume for $5.
2. Resume/Cover Letter Templates
Very much in-demand, a lot of users come on Fiverr are looking for help to find work or make money.
You can either create your own Resume or Cover letter templates or find some that you are able to resell on Fiverr.
#Tip Micosoft Word has many different Templates, use them and make great resumes for your clients

84. Business communications writing Gigs
Business communications to the internal audience—that is, to employees—are things like
  • Newsletters,
  • In-house Magazines,
  • Company-Wide Memos,
  • Email Updates
A. External Business Communications
External business communications gigs are geared toward ShareholdersAnalysts or the Public. Examples of external business communications are
  • Annual Reports
  • Financial Statements,
  • Opinion Pieces
  • Policy Statements
Tip# There are also speeches and presentations for both audiences that need to be written with in the frame of Business  writing gigs.

85. Marketing Communications Gigs :
Write Sales Copy
If you’re great at writing sales copy (or even decent at it) this is great, short work.
Write Headlines / Tag lines
If you’re great at writing Head Lines/ Email Subjects or Tag Lines, this is great, short work gig service.
#Tip Use key words or phrase tools online to generate one for your clients.
These are things written with the specific purpose of selling a product or service. They’re directed to the consumer or to a business customer.
Brochures and other Sales material (the stuff a salesperson leaves with a potential customer, for example) are examples of marketing material.

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