66. Brainstorm Domain Names
You can have agig to suggest some Relavant and Optimizd Company / Brand names or domain names for their business or personal websites.
67. Brand Ideas For Businesses
You can have stock marketing plans and business plans for specific niches or niches you are interested in and sell that on Fiverr. 
68. Campaigns Ideas
You can have business or social welfare / NGO campaigns for specific niches or promotional campaigns custom-made for brands to help make people aware of the clients on Fiverr. 
69. Marketing strategies 
Provide custom-made for brands to help them identify and grow their customers

70. Suggest Business Tag Lines or Slogans
If you consider yourself a creative person, many people come to Fiverr looking for creative help.
#TIP - Google it There are many free Tools with thousands of Ideas. You could offer 5 to 10 company names or slogans for $5.
Gig extras or Adons: 
The potential for different kinds of gig extras [e.g add 20 - 25 names] are limitless here as well.

89. Use Pets For Videos/Pictures
If you have a pet, you can use them in creative ways for things like signs, videos, photos, etc. and buyers and Fiverr love stuff like this. 
90. Take Picture Holding Sign/Message/Logo
This is not as in-demand as video testimonials, but it is still a gig worth trying out if you do video testimonials as well.
91. Logo Advertising On Body / Hand / Car
 Fiverr loves this stuff and there is a demand for it if you are creative enough. There are a lot of successful sellers that offer something like this. Basically you can either paint the logo onto yourself, draw it on yourself, digitally put it on yourself or put the buyers logo on other things such as a car or wall.
92. Spell Out Name
 This is an easy gig and Fiverr loves gigs like this and they often feature them. It just requires for you to spell out the buyer’s name or logo in a creative way and taking a photo of it.
93. Logo In Rice/Alphabet Soup
Spelling out the buyer’s name or logo in rice or via Alphabet Soup

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