
httrack "" -O "<output_location>" -#L999999999 -disable-security-limits

-#LXXXX - Max urls
-disable-security-limits - No Connection speed limit



tar -czvf name-of-archive.tar.gz /path/to/directory-or-file

Here’s what those switches actually mean:

  • -c: Create an archive.
  • -z: Compress the archive with gzip.
  • -v: Display progress in the terminal while creating the archive, also known as “verbose” mode. The v is always optional in these commands, but it’s helpful.
  • -f: Allows you to specify the filename of the archive.
 tar cv <path-to_file-or-dir> | gzip -9 <dest-file-name>
utility         cpu    format  size(bytes)
gzip -9         0.02s  gz      105,628
advdef -2       0.07s  gz      102,619
7z -mx=9 -tgzip 0.42s  gz      102,297
advdef -3       0.55s  gz      102,290
advdef -4       0.75s  gz      101,956
xz -9           0.03s  xz       91,064
xz -3e          0.15s  xz       90,996 


screen -S file
Create a new screen session 
screen -ls 
List all session
screen -d 1643
Detach a screen sessiom (Ctrl+A+D for current session)
screen -r 1643

Reattach a screen session

Disk Usage:

sudo du -sh /var
Let’s explain the command and its arguments:
  • The command starts with sudo because most of the files and directories inside the /var directory are owned by the root user and are not readable by the regular users. If you omit sudo the du command will print “du: cannot read directory”.
  • s - Display only the total size of the specified directory, do not display file size totals for subdirectories.
  • h - Print sizes in a human-readable format (h).
  • /var - The path to the directory you want to get the size.
du -h /var/ | sort -rh | head -5 

Split Large Files:
split [options] filename prefix
  -l linenumber

  -b bytes

  • In this simple example, assume myfile is 3,000 lines long:
      split myfile

    This will output three 1000-line files: xaa, xab, and xac.

  • Working on the same file, this next example is more complex:
      split -l 500 myfile segment

    This will output six 500-line files: segmentaa, segmentab, segmentac, segmentad, segmentae, and segmentaf.

  • Finally, assume myfile is a 160KB file:
      split -b 40k myfile segment

    This will output four 40KB files: segmentaa, segmentab, segmentac, and segmentad.



    Split and combine:

    split -b 100M Linux\ Security.mp4 ls.
    cat ls.?? > Linux_security.mp4 


    Below are some of the most common FTP commands

  • help or ? - list all available FTP commands.
  • cd - change directory on the remote machine.
  • lcd - change directory on the local machine.
  • ls - list the names of the files and directories in the current remote directory.
  • mkdir - create a new directory within the current remote directory.
  • pwd - print the current working directory on the remote machine.
  • delete - remove a file in the current remote directory.
  • rmdir- remove a directory in the current remote directory.
  • get - copy one file from the remote to the local machine.
  • mget - copy multiple files from the remote to the local machine.
  • put - copy one file from the local to the remote machine.
  • mput - copy one file from the local to the remote machine.
  • passive - make connection passive  


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