These gigs can be ranged from converting Text, documents, ebooks, images, audio, videos e.g.
  • Convert a file to Another File
  • Convert pdf to an Editable File
  • Convert image to a Fillable Form
  • Convert text or document to an E-Book
57. Convert Document Files To Other Formats
There are a lot of free converters online but you’d be surprised how many people pay for a service like this. You can convert .Doc to .Pdf, or even a old version of Document into New version etc.
58. Convert Audio/Video Files To Other Formats
There are a lot of free converters online but you’d be surprised how many people pay for a service like this. You can convert .AVI to .MP3, or even a YouTube video into an MP3.
#Tip Free yourself from slow processes with fast, easy file conversions

86. Compress Video To Smaller Size
Provide compressing and lowering the file size of video's to a much smaller size, without a loss in quality, that will enable uploading it faster to the web.

There are a lot of free converters online but you’d be surprised how many people pay for a service like this.
87. Reducec Images Size / Convert Files
You may provide one or bulk resize images (reduce or enlarge image dimensions), image file size reduction, bulk convert image file format services 
There are a lot of free converters online but you’d be surprised how many people pay for a service like this. 
e.g. picresize and more...

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