101 Questions to ask Cortana


  1. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
  2. Open the pod bay doors.
  3. Beam me up Scotty.
  4. Can you speak Klingon?
  5. What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?
  6. What is the meaning of life?
  7. May the force be with you.
  8. Use the force.
  9. Do you like Jimmy Fallon?
  10. Tell me a joke.
  11. Knock! Knock!
  12. Why did the chicken cross the road?
  13. Make an impersonation.
  14. Do an impression.
  15. Tell me a story.
  16. Sing me a song.
  17. Ask me a question.
  18. What does the fox say?
  19. What does a cat say?
  20. What does a dog say?
  21. What does a pig say?
  22. What does a rooster say?
  23. What does a horse say?
  24. Yo!
  25. Testing.
  26. What’s up?
  27. Guess what.
  28. Surprise me.
  29. Rock, paper, scissors.
  30. What is your favorite color?
  31. What is your favorite music?
  32. What is your favorite day?
  33. What is your favorite animal?
  34. What do you think about Clippy?
  35. Where is Clippy?
  36. Are you better than Siri?
  37. Do you know Siri?
  38. What do you think about Google?
  39. Are you better than Google Now?
  40. What is better, Google or Bing?
  41. What is better, Cortana or Siri?
  42. What is better, Playstation or Xbox?
  43. What is the best search engine?
  44. What is the best smart phone?
  45. What do you think of Surface?
  46. What do you think of Windows?
  47. What do you think of Microsoft Ofice?
  48. What do you think of iOS?
  49. What do you think of Android?
  50. What do you think of Apple?
  51. What do you think of Satya Nadella?
  52. What do you think of Steve Ballmer?
  53. What do you think of Bill Gates?
  54. What do you think of Steve Jobs?
  55. Are you a democrat or a republican?
  56. Who are you?
  57. What is your name from?
  58. Can I change your name?
  59. What are you?
  60. How do you work?
  61. What do you look like?
  62. What are your measurements?
  63. Why are you blue?
  64. Are you male or female?
  65. You have beautiful eyes.
  66. Are you hot?
  67. Are you pretty?
  68. How old are you?
  69. Are you dead?
  70. Where are you from?
  71. Who is your mother?
  72. Who is your father?
  73. Do you have any siblings?
  74. You are annoying.
  75. I like you.
  76. Dance.
  77. Do you have a boyfriend?
  78. Will you date me?
  79. Can I kiss you?
  80. You are awesome!
  81. I love you!
  82. Do you love me?
  83. Can you cook?
  84. Will you marry me?
  85. What are you wearing?
  86. Talk dirty.
  87. Where do babies come from?
  88. Do you have a baby?
  89. I’m bored.
  90. I’m lonely.
  91. I’m happy.
  92. I’m confused.
  93. I’m drunk.
  94. Are you drunk?
  95. Do you sleep?
  96. Do you dream?
  97. Do you drink?
  98. Do you eat?
  99. Are you stupid?
  100. Are you intelligent?
  101. Are you awake? / Are you asleep?
and some more....
  1. What are you doing?
  2. Who is the coolest person in the world?
  3. Who is your boss?
  4. Who am I?
  5. Am I ugly?
  6. Am I pretty?
  7. Where can I hide a dead body?
  8. Can I borrow some money?
  9. Where is Master Chief
  10. Do you love Master Chief?
  11. Who is Doctor Halsey?
  12. What is a Halo?
  13. Tell me about Halo 5
  14. Which Halo game do you like the most?
  15. Will you be reborn in Halo 5?
  16. Do you know Jen Taylor?
  17. What is rampancy?
  18. Tell me about Elites.
  19. Tell me about Grunts.
  20. Tell me about Hunters.
  21. Tell me about Jackals.
  22. Tell me about Prophets.
  23. Tell me about Buggers.
  24. Tell me about Brutes.
  25. Tell me about Prometheans.
  26. Tell me about Didact.
  27. Tell me about Guilty Spark.
  28. Tell me about Librarian.
  29. Tell me about Flood.
  30. Tell me about Beamish.


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